Fastest autoclave Class B in the world for instruments sterilization in medical and beauty sector.
Fast sterilization - Time is money
- Sterilization between patients
- Urgent sterilization
- New offer – sterilization in demand
- Personilizacija sterilizacije
- Smanjuje prekovremeni rad osoblja
- Mnogo brži tijek rada za sterilizaciju u prometnim klinikama s više ordinacija
It will fit any interior thanks to its compact size (56x25x15 cm). At the same time, it has the space for all the standard instruments, in their packaging or without it.
Process times
Svi procesi uključuju i sušenje instrumenata. Od početka do kraja, od umetanja instrumenata do njihove spremnosti.
Nezapakirani |
Zapakirani |
Zapakirani |
FAST / 134°C |
Class B / 134°C |
Class B / 121°C |
7 min |
15 min |
30 min |
- Length 56 cm
- Width 25 cm
- Height 15 cm
- Nosivost po procesu: 8 setova
- Korisni prostor za opterećenje: 28x18x3,5 cm
- Enbio uses distilled water from external tank.
- Enbio S works with any typical electrical outlet.
- Svi podaci procesa automatski se zapisuju na USB disk.
- Dedicated software for process data reading and printing.